Friday, December 7, 2012

Theology- that fountainhead of ignorance!

              Theology is the subject without a  subject! It  came from ignorance and depends on the arguments from personal incredulity and from ignorance.
              People wondered how did the world come about and were grateful for things and wanted help, so emerged animism- finding  supernatural intent for what occurs in Nature. Polytheism just made the many spirits of  full animism into many gods.
              Theism then arose, people thinking that one Supreme Being instead of many lesser ones, directed outcomes in Nature, but  the notion  was still the same- the intent that  isn't there!
               Lamberth's reduced animism argument that theism is just that, noting that as Lamberth's teleonomic argument presenting the fact that science sees no supernatural intent behind natural processes, and any would contradict instead of complementing  science so that theistic evolution is just an oxy-moronic obscurantism!

               Whilst some theologians try to update their theologies with scientific and historical understandings that very intent belies their actually doing so.
                Why is there something rather than nothing? Because nothing is nothing! That query is indeed the grandest of the arguments from personal incredulity and its answer- because of God' will is just another argument from ignorance.              Astro- physics tells us the reality about the eternal quantum fields whence come one universe after another.
                That is the scientific answer to replace  Henry Drummond the scientific God of the gaps.
                Then there is the philosophical one -Lamberth's the God of the explanatory  gap. Here theologians maintain that why, the scientific one is right, but there still remains the need for the Primary Cause  of Aquinas and the Sufficient Reason of    Leibniz: what lies at the bottom of all natural processes to make them work. Again, that putative intent arises.
                  Aquinas himself reveals why that is a pseudo- question and pseudo-answer. This argument boomerangs on his own five ways! He maintains,for the sake of argument, that :"It is moreover  superfluous to suppose that what can be accounted for by a few principles has been produced by many.But it seems that everything  in the world can be accounted for by other principles without supposing God exists. For all natural things can be accounted for by one principle,which is nature' and all voluntary things can be accounted for by one principle
, which is human reason or will. Hence, there is no need to suppose that a God exists." This is his superfluity argument, which Percy Bysshe Shelley implicitly uses.
                 He maintains:" To suppose that some existence beyond, or beyond them [ the descriptions-  laws- of Nature, S.K.] is to invent a second and superfluous hypothesis to account for what already is accounted for." Theists would beg the question to claim that that is a category mistake.
                This bespeaks the difference betwixt science and theology about the use of  ignorance.
           God did it adds nothing to natural explanations. No need  exists then to posit  a personal explanation as Richard Swinburne and William Lane Craig claim.
                Ti's no matter of intent to choose from possible outcomes. Leucippus is right that necessity rules. 
                That very intent serves to assuage people's misfortunes and falsely gives hope that that intent can change matters.
               That intent bespeaks superstition. And people murder due to what they think is the divine intent!
              We all can find succour from other sources. We need no divine intent for our having purpose and divine love for us and the future state; our own purposes and human love and this one life suffice.
           " Life is its own validation and reward and ultimate meaning to which neither God nor the future state can further validate." Inquiring Lynn  
      We can express gratitude to others.  We can expiate for wrong-doing.  We can acknowledge that we ourselves with our own inner resources get us through things instead of relying on faith. We can find inspiration for that from other sources.
       We full skeptics are ever trying to educate the public about intellectual scams of " The Transcendental Temptation," that the late Paul Kurtz calls the twin superstitions of the supernatural and the paranormal. Do read that book!    

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